Monday, December 1, 2008

The pumpkin patch

The boys at the pumpkin Patch.
Max is chewing on a piece of green bell pepper which is one of his favorite foods!

Matt went off to take photos from a distance and Max was very concerned that he had left -below you can see his favorite question "Where'd go??" complete with hand gesture. He asks this to no end even when he knows where something is e.g.when he has hidden something or turned out the light. Then when he produces the hidden object or turns the light back on he squeels "there 'tiiiiis".

"I still can't find my dad"
(He's such a Daddy's boy)
Note that he is still clutching his pepper

"there 'tiiis"
Happy because he found Daddy

We had so much fun that we had to go back again on a date with Rylee - this time we also got to play on the playground and the giant slide. Rylee went down the slide and then went over to Max telling him "Ax, fun" - Translation: "Max that's fun, you should try it". Max went down once and then begged Matt not to put him on again. When Matt carried him back up he hung on to Matt's shirt ond pleaded "ooooh noooooo". Rylee on the other hand was a sliding champion.


grass said...


Melinda Ford said...

such cute pictures Sarah! Miss you! Wish I could see your little boys growing up!

Linda said...

He's the cutest pirate ever! So fun to see your pictures and blot!