Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Trip to Europe really did happen

I realize that late July is not the best time to report a trip which took place in March but here we go anyway. Armed with much excitement and some seditive for each child we took off for Europe.

An unwelcome delay left us with a missed connection and a 24 hour delay in Newark. I was hopping mad as the plane had not left the gate when we arrived (after a record breaking 2 mile sprint across Newark airport) but the cabin door had been closed and they would not reopen it. Thankfully we had purchased American Express travel insurance so we made the most of our misfortune by booking into the Hilton and ordering a fancy room service meal. We spent the next day in New York City. We visited Ground Zero, some old church next to the Stock Exchange building, an inner city playground and Katz's Deli. A pretty fun day.

The boys were tired out for their flight and slept most of the way.

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