Saturday, August 1, 2009


Max and I left Sam with Grandma and Grandad and ventured to Norway to see Patrick, Marianne and Sofia.
Passing time at the airport

Along came the scruffiest little Norwegian urchin and really brightened up our wait. He had older brothers with him and was very rowdy. Max thought he was very cool and went to play guns with him - shame Max didn't really know how to hold a rifle. If you've ever flown RyanAir you'll know that it is extremely low-budget and attracts some colourful characters. This lttle boy's family were pure entertainment the entire flight. I don't think they sat in their seats at all as they were too busy brawling in the isle - Dad included.

Patrick and Marianne's lovely home just outside Oslo. We arrived shortly after the snow melt so the landscape was still very wintery.

Playing on the swingset - neither Max nor Sofia minded one bit that it was freeeezing cold.

Bundled up ready for a walk to the woods

Big purposeful space to represent the entire day lost at the doctors office with a fevered Max. Max went to bed at 8:30p.m., woke up at 12:30a.m. and didn't go back to sleep all night, despite the dose of sleeping medication I slipped him around 4a.m. Poor little guy was shaking and shivering and just burning hot.

After a good night's sleep and Norwegian antibiotics Max was feeling much better. We set out for a day in Oslo. Of course, our first destination had to be Ikea. Max does not like Ikea, especially when he's not feeling too well. Come to think of it, one of his most memorable melt downs as a tiny baby was upon visiting the new Ikea in Salt Lake when Max was less than 3 months old.

He did however appreciate the sign. Translation: oops! Did you forget Daipers?

Sofia pushing Max on our slow-paced tour of Oslo

Marianne, Sofia and Max outside the Royal Palace

Max pooping outside the Royal Palace - just squatted down in the middle of the square.

I can't wait until we can go back for longer.

1 comment:

Linda said...

How fun! Love your pictures!