Monday, December 1, 2008


Max made a most handsome pirate

and was quite a natural with his cutlass (see how the sword is captured in mid-air as he threw it at a girl helping serve dinner)

Max's girlfriend "Little Rylee Ridinghood" was looking stunning and was most concerned that Max should keep his hat on. Mad would shake it off and Rylee would go running after him shouting "Ax.....hat".

Sam the bat was bored by the festivities and slept through the whole dinner at church

and the entire way aroung the neighborhood while trick-or-treating

...still sleeping

Giving kisses to McKay the friendly tiger

Sarah the princess was terrified of Max's new appearance. She was terrified of him and screamed everytime she saw him. This continued the whole evening until we wiped off his moustache and eye brows - then she looked most relieved andstarted playing with him like there was no problem atall.

Every time Max was offered a candy bowl he would scan for lolly pops and grab as many as possible. It took him forever to go from house to house as he was so busy sucking away on his lolly.

He even took a break on someone's front steps while he sucked.


Elizabeth said...

So cute!! I love the mustache!!

grass said...

Nice job Sarah. I'm proud of you for adding Sam to the blog address. Had you not, it somehow would have caused some issues in the future :)
I miss those boys!

Amy said...

Those Halloween costumes are great. So what did you and Matt go as?