Saturday, March 14, 2009

Apacas are for kissing

puckering up .........

.........and in for the kiss

Max supervising as he tells auntie Chrissy to kiss the alpaca too. Notice his lips in the background

Riding on Carlotta with cousin Sadye

Aunt Barb or "Bahba" with Max and Sadye

So we may have a problem. Max thinks that all animals are there to be kissed. He loves to kiss anything with a furry face but still will not give a proper kiss to adult people - though he will kiss babies and other small children on occasion (grown-up people just get a light head-butt). Whenever Max sees a dog or cat or any animal he goes running up to it with his head forward and making kissing noises - you can see where this could be a problem. We realize it is partly our fault because we wanted to teach him to be kind to animals and love them so we would tell him to give Richard kisses - now we are concerned that he may get his face bitten off as he goes in for the kiss with some strange beast. He also kisses pictures of animals in books, or anywhere else and then he wants you to kiss them too. When we were it Utah we went to watch a cousin play basketball at a school where the mascot happens to be a bear. After the game Max went running down on to the floor and kissed the nose of the giant bear painted on the court. He then took Aunt Barbara by the hand and lead her to the bear pointing at it and wanting her to get down and kiss its nose too.


grass said...

NIce work Sarah! Love the reminder of the Max Headbutt kisses. I'm so in love with that kid and can't wait until the next time I see him.

Melinda Ford said...

So cute! I hope he gives you kisses too! (Maybe even one right after the pucker to the Alpaca) Love seeing what you're up to!

The Johnson's said...

Sarah look how big your boys are getting. I need to venture down there to see them. Sam was just a little bean last time. Too Cute!

Jaime said...

That is so cute. Bentley swats at everything. Everytime he sees a picture of an animal he pretends to hit it. This comes from the pesky squirrels we taught him to chase with sticks!

Matt & Melissa said...
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