Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Worcester with the Sheffield girls

I felt the Whichcraft girls (we lived above a craft shop called Whichcraft during university) deserved a post of their own as Sarah took the photo's and they are very artistic. She has a very good eye. Jenny, Charlotte and Sarah came. Jo and Sian did not make it over from Australia for the gathering which I thought was pretty weak of them. Unfortunately Sarah is not in any of the photos as she took them all. As an aside Sarah and her husband Matt (great name combination) are cycling across the entire U.S. of A. Crazy people. Soon to arrive in Kentucky for a couple of days. Their cycling blog is

We had a very jolly time together even though it rained the whole time.

A nippy picnic in the Malverns. Jenny, Charlotte, Max, Grandma, Sarah and Sam

Off in to Worcester

Feeding the swans. Worcester could be called SwanHaven as there are always hundreds of swans in the river next to the cathedral. I suppose the fact that tourists feed them great loaves of bread every day encourages them to stay around. Max liked feeding them for a while but preferred chasing around the pigeons in the square and eating the bread.

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