Thursday, September 17, 2009

June-ish 2009

Jumping in Sam's bed

reclining in mum's lap. Sam is a real softee and likes to be held alllllll the time.

Jacobsen park at night

I love tools too

The first thing Max usually asks for in the morning is his football boots "boot on?". Matt thought it would be cute if Max had his own cleats for when he went to watch him play softball and for playing at the park. Little did we know he would want to sleep and eat in the darn things too. We have had many tantrums because he cannot wear his boots to go to a friend's house or to church. Be careful what you buy thinking it to be a fun gimmick - it may become more a part of your life than you imagine.

Here is Max fresh out of bed in the morning with half his Pajamas still on, wearing his boots and Daddy's helmet and carrying his screw driver while he pushes his lawn mower. This was a good morning.

yummy whipped cream

McKay's first birthday party

Out in the "gogger"

Lyman, Jay, Brian and some other crazies synchronised cliff jumping at Red River Gorge. Note Max in the foreground totally oblivious to the action behind him.

He was busy wearing a pink lifejacket and playing with a watering can.

1 comment:

grass said...

I'm so glad you make Max wear a lifejacket around water. that stuff freaks me out. love the picture of max in the morning in his "getup". especially with no pants on. who needs pants when you've got boots.