Thursday, September 17, 2009

May-ish 2009

a few photos from some time around May of 2009.

some of Max's favorite things are...



real football a.k.a. soccer,


his little brother Sam,

and Daddy's hat.

oh, and Daddy too.

As I was putting in these pictures of Sam getting into the dishwasher and fireplace I had major deja vous from a year and a half ago when posting almost the exact same pictures of Max. For anyone interested go to our old blog and look at the January and february postings. Did we just have the same baby all over again??

Some of Sam's favourite things are currently..

not having his continually nasty nose wiped,

the fireplace,

the dishwasher, tools (like his brother)

plus, the dogfood, the pizza stone, the washing machine (which we occasionally find running an empty cycle), any kitchen items which he can drag out of cupboards, and his all time favourite - the toilet!

1 comment:

grass said...

what about centipedes and crickets? I'm shocked those didn't make the list of Sam's favorites.